Courage and resilience to live

There were just a few things that I was certain of in life; first, that death was universal, and can be traumatic; second, you can rediscover hope after a loss, as you learn to come back from events that have crushed and killed your hope, and third, God loves you with an everlasting love.

The obscurity of life has taught me how to live every day as if it is my last and to engage in what matters the most and that is relationships. That relationship first begins with God.

In this quickly changing world, I want to address three topics that I have experienced both professionally and spiritually and that is loss, trauma, and grief. As I navigated and journeyed through those seasons of life, I was unprepared for my next step to move forward. Stuck in my thinking and believing in my heart kept me a prisoner. Who would have thought that as a hospice nurse, I would have been prepared to handle my own loss of my son and many close family members?

Through my journey, I’ve experienced God’s presence, provision, and love in countless ways.  Some  questions, I struggle with: "how can I make the next step, and is there life after the grave"? So, happens that there is and yes you can live again. However, the process of beginning once again is an ability you can learn, but needs to be taught. Like the caterpillar he or she worked through the process of transfiguration, and so can you!!!! 




